North Harbour News



The little pink sprouts on the begonia corm above are the sign that it’s ready to be replanted. The corm spent the winter in a box in the shed away from the rain. In August, it was put outside in a well-lit, frost-free spot out of direct sunlight where it got some rain but wasn’t drowned. Now it’s ready to plant. I grow mine in pots so I can move them to the front when they’re looking wonderful and hide them at the back when they need a rest. Use fresh, goodqualit­y potting mix in a pot with adequate, unblocked drainage holes. Don’t plant too deep. The tuber should be barely covered. Don’t over-water or let the pot sit constantly in water, but do keep the soil constantly moist. Avoid watering the leaves. Place pots where the plants get plenty of light but are out of harsh, direct, midday sun. Stake stems in order to support the heavy blooms but don’t damage the corms. Choose a pot that suits the growth form – tall pots or hanging baskets for trailers and tumblers; sturdy ones for large, erect forms. If a plant in a squat pot turns out to be a tumbler and not the upright specimen you expected, save the day by propping the pot up on a pedestal of bricks or an upturned pot.

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