North Shore Times (New Zealand)



‘‘Save Takapuna Beach Holiday Park’’...well, finally, after five long years, we’ve done it!

I’m so proud of the fantastic people that I have met on this journey and how I’ve discovered the true meaning of the word ‘‘community’’. Devonport/ Takapuna has the very best community that anyone could wish for, I’m so fortunate to have been born, bred, raised and continue to live here.

This is why I got involved in the first place and I will continue to do my bit to help preserve our history and what belongs to our community for future generation­s. Well done and thank you to every single one of you who helped us get there in the end. Gavin Sheehan



With regard to the campground “victory” I note with real concern that at the Board meeting on July 19, 2016, the chairman stated that he wished Council to continue preparing a report on operating the campground on a smaller footprint than at present. The YNZ applicatio­n was the only reason that report had been commission­ed. Now that YNZ has withdrawn its applicatio­n the board has no basis for the Chairman’s position. That report should be abandoned and YNZ supporters should cease chipping away at the campground area.

There is more to this than YNZ simply withdrawin­g its applicatio­n, and Mr Bergin should come clean on what he knows.

Garry Venus



I am relieved that Yachting NZ have put their bid for reserve land on the back burner. A lot of uninformed opinion has clouded the issues involved and could seriously affect the result of the upcoming Local Body Elections. Maybe a bit of time out is a good idea, then when the elections are over, Yachting New Zealand will try again and clearer thinking may prevail.

Michael Tuck


 ?? TOM DILLANE/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Save Takapuna Beach Holiday Park organisers Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan.
TOM DILLANE/FAIRFAX NZ Save Takapuna Beach Holiday Park organisers Jan Gopperth and Gavin Sheehan.

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