North Shore Times (New Zealand)

Student dreams of Stanford


Gaea Galvez loves science. In particular, she loves biology.

‘‘It’s about how you interact with the world around you,’’ the Year 13 student at ACG Sunderland explains. ‘‘Biology makes you realise what you learn is actually relatable to the rest of the world, it’s not just a school subject. I like that I’m studying not just to write an exam, but to apply what I learn to everyday life.’’

Alongside top academic results, Gaea, pictured, is in a selection pool for the New Zealand junior badminton team, and says the discipline and focus she’s learnt help her achieve in other realms of her life.

‘‘Badminton is a mental game as well as a physical game – every shot has a purpose. Because it’s fast-paced, you have to think quickly, so you learn not just tactics, but mental skills to stay focused and strategies to keep a clear head. You can use those same strategies to help you focus on school work, exams, and all life skills really.’’

She will need those skills if she is to fulfil her dream of going to Stanford University next year to study Biochemist­ry. With the support of her school, she is studying towards her SATs, the first stage of the applicatio­n process. Inspired by the possibilit­y of fighting disease and helping people, she would eventually like to be involved in finding and developing new treatments for global viruses like Ebola and Zika.

Applying what she is learning at school to the world around her is obviously important to Gaea, who is a deputy house leader at ACG Sunderland.

ACG Sunderland is an independen­t co-educationa­l school, offering education for preschool, primary and secondary levels. Visit

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Adding a few kilos over winter is a common problem
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