North Shore Times (New Zealand)

Do we get fatter in winter?


The onset of winter often heralds the arrival of a few more kilos as well.

But is there any reason for this, other than the typical hypothesis that we exercise less and eat more when it’s cold and dark?

Research by the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom suggests we all have a ‘‘target weight’’ for survival, and that naturally fluctuates with seasonal requiremen­ts. Put simply, our ancestors thousands of years ago used to gain weight to get through the cold weather, when food was scarce, and our 21st-century bodies haven’t figured out a way to get around that.

This study was completed using computer modelling, so more research is necessary to find out what exactly that ‘‘target weight’’ is, as the scientists involved couldn’t speculate.

According to other research, the amount of sunlight we get may also play a part in winter weight gain.

Scientists from University of Central Lancashire believe that a lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and allows for the body to increase its fat storage.

There’s also an argument that general Seasonal Affective Disorder, known as SAD, plays a part in weight gain.

Those who struggle with their mood when it’s cold, dark, and depressing may get a hit of serotonin - one of the chemicals in your brain that promotes a feeling of happiness - when they eat particular foods, possibly starchy ones like breads, pastas, and so on.

Getting sick in winter may also be a contributo­r to weight gain.

A review of studies from the Medical Hypotheses journal found evidence to suggest that the bug named ‘‘adenovirus-36’’, which can cause colds, increases the size and number of glucose receptors on your fat cells. With bigger and more plentiful receptors, you’re giving yourself a lot more space to fill with actual bodily fat.

It also pays to think about the effect of your immediate environmen­t in winter - that is, the people you’re around on a daily basis - and how they can affect your weight.

New England Journal of Medicine research shows you are 57 per cent more likely to be overweight if you have overweight friends, and 37 per cent more likely if you have an overweight spouse.

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