North Taranaki Midweek

Ups and downs of life




TO: To all the nice people in the world. I am in awe of people who see only the good things in life. Of course, if there weren’t people like me then nobody would recognise how nice others are.

TO: Golf back on Sky. It’s great to know that some of these digital whizz kids are not as bright as they think. A lot of people just want to access TV programmes on their television set, not through a computer.

TO: Australian and American politics and politician­s. They make us look soooo good.


TO: People who encroach on other customers’ space at the bank. Banking is a private activity; nobody wants anyone looking over their shoulder. Stand back, people.

TO: House brands that say mint sauce is extra thick when even the thickest person can see it is coloured water. Marketers must think we can’t read or reason.

TO: People who park their cars on the wrong side of the road ie facing the oncoming traffic. It is dangerous and illegal.

TO: Bravo TV

Enough said. channel.

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