North Taranaki Midweek

Healthy pets, happy pets


Pet experts at Purina have joined with North Taranaki Midweek to offer helpful tips to keep your four-legged friends healthy this winter.

Q: When I’m at work, I normally leave my dog outside, but with the cold weather I feel guilty and want to leave him inside. The only problem is while I’m at work, he rips up the cushions and wreaks havoc. I walk him in the morning, so he is worn out. Is there anything else I can do?

A: Dogs can engage in destructiv­e behaviour when they feel anxious about being separated from their owners, however, it sounds like your dog is used to being at home alone and has not previously had this issue. It’s possible your dog found more to keep him stimulated when he was outside, so he might be wreaking havoc inside because he’s bored.

Try using a child’s stair gate to keep him in one area of the house that becomes his ‘day’ room and set it up so there is nothing in there for him to destroy. Make sure he has plenty of toys to keep him occupied. A puzzle feeder is also a very good option - these are special, strong dog toys that can be loaded up with dog biscuits or treats.

Q: Should I still wash my dog frequently during the winter?

A: This depends a bit on why you usually wash your dog. If it’s because your dog often gets dirty or smelly you will probably be able to wash them less frequently in winter as they are not likely to get in this state as often as they do in summer. Always make sure you wash them in luke-warm water and never let them outside until they are completely dry. Drying will take longer in winter so you may be able to use a hairdryer on a warm (never hot) setting to help speed things up. Your dog may well be worried by a hairdryer so take it slowly with them and offer them lots of praise and treats as you go.

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