North Taranaki Midweek

More than 800 entries in fair


The science fair is popular with students.

Sometimes it’s the most annoying problems that push people to come up with creative solutions.

That was the case for Highlands Intermedia­te School pupils Ethan Matuku, pictured right, and Becky Moles, left, who have submitted entries to the 2016 Taranaki Science and Technology Fair.

Moles was fed up with normal plasters that didn’t stay put. So she created a more pliant one with natural healing agents like aloe vera, honey and propolis.

So did it work? ’’It was able to mould to the shape and it fitted nicely. The only problem was that I needed to find a way to stick the bandaid.

‘‘I would probably need to look at the waterproof side of it as well.’’

Matuku, who loves water sports, made a wetsuit drying bag from dark coloured UV resistant material.

Fair spokesman Terry Stowers said things were coming together after the loss of major sponsor Fonterra last year, but there has been good support from sponsors.

Stowers was delighted with this year’s entries totaling 837, with 950 students involved from 22 Taranaki schools.

The fair, which runs from August 8 to 10 at the Pukekura Function Centre, is open to the public on Tuesday (Aug 9) from 6pm to 9pm and again on Wednesday (Aug 10) from 9pm to 4.30pm. Entry is free.

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