North Taranaki Midweek

Seeing the signs of the ‘prop-ocalypse’



Apocalypse cult members tend to be on the lookout for signs of the rapture.

They hope fervently to see oceans turning red, deadly plagues, famines and earthquake­s as these are signs they’ll soon be with their God.

There’s been a vein of doomsday prophets expecting (hoping for) a New Zealand ‘‘propocalyp­se’’.

To date their prediction­s of the housing bubble bursting have proved wrong.

The latest prognostic­ation on this front was for an 11 per cent fall in property prices by 2019.

Okay, not really a property apocalypse. For that you need British, or Irish-style negative equity, and thanks to the Reserve Bank’s undemocrat­ic mortgage lending restrictio­ns, most recent buyers have had to have deposits of 20 per cent or more.

I accept prediction­s with interest, but little faith. I won’t be planning my life around them.

Humans are rotten at predicting the future.

We seem hard-wired to give credence to informatio­n that supports our beliefs, and discount that which contradict­s them.

We are over-credulous of opinion-leaders with an axe to grind.

We are apt to wake up and find the world is far more complicate­d than we thought.

During a working lifetime of seeing prophecies miss the mark, I have stayed out of the prophecy game.

Until now, that is. I am starting to see prophetic ‘‘signs’’ everywhere.

The first sign is the desperatio­n of the young suits.

My great theme of the last two years has been the sad, and desperate well-paid suited types either unable to buy a place, or adopting desperatio­n strategies like buying places in cheaper faraway places, and either accepting mega commutes, or carrying on renting.

When bright young white bankers can’t buy a half-decent place within 15 kilometres of work, you know things are out of whack. Capital, not income, is the thing you need to buy a house these days.

Senior economists and rising business leaders can’t afford to buy within five kilometres of my leafy suburb home.

Recently, we were even treated ❚ Recognise when to pay down debt ❚ Take advantage of low interest rates

❚ Attack that mortgage, wipe that credit card bill

to the head of an Australian bank calling for tougher lending restrictio­ns.

There’s been an increase in clever, but unhelpful news articles about people living in tiny homes, rentvestin­g, buying with friends, commuting to Auckland from Hamilton, etc.

Even the cheerleade­rs for rising house prices have gone quiet lately. The National Government, the defender of privilege, has been looking uncomforta­ble.

These are signs we are at an extreme moment in our history, and at a heightened risk of economic upheaval.

New Zealand has gone so long without a real economic crisis, we have almost forgotten they can happen.

For householde­rs, this is a time to save and pay down debt.

Nobody ever regretted having paid off debt before interest rates rose, or economic turbulence struck.

For savers, this is a time to keep your nerve, carry on dripfeedin­g money into the market.

 ?? PHOTO: CONRAD BAK/123RF ?? Apocalypti­c thinking is often wishful thinking.
PHOTO: CONRAD BAK/123RF Apocalypti­c thinking is often wishful thinking.
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