North Taranaki Midweek

Pink Ribbon needs volunteers


The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation will be holding its annual street appeal on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15.

Eight women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women, and the third most common caner overall. It affects one in nine New Zealand women over their lifetime. Most will survive five years or longer if the cancer is detected early enough but tragically, more than 600 women die of the disease every year.

One of these women could be your colleague, mother, sister, daughter or friend so if you have two hours to spare on either of those two days then how about joining the Pink Army and hit the streets to help out this worthwhile group. Perhaps you can encourage your family and friends to join you and collect together to help out.

Heather will be very happy to forward your contact details on to the Pink Ribbon organisers so that you can become part of the appeal. Just contact the Volunteers Centre on (06) 7588-986 or email Heather at and she will make sure that your details are passed on.

If you are unable to help with the street appeal then how about visiting the Pink Ribbon Webpage to find out other ways of being involved.

‘‘Eight women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer.’’

New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation

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