Northern News



With local body elections now upon us, it’s time to make sure your voice is heard.

Candidates have burst from the starting gates and will gallivant and dash to the October 8 finish line.

In the coming weeks we’ll bring you coverage of the people vying to represent you and the issues that matter to you.

I’ve never voted in council elections, only general ones. I’ve always rented, moved around a lot and simply wasn’t that interested.

But as the reporters and I hatched our plan, it dawned on me - I can vote too! It’s different now I’ve found my forever home in the North.

Hubby and I have became homeowners for the first time, so things like footpaths, roads and bylaws are suddenly more important. So is the question of how our rates are spent, a subject that looms large on every ratepayer’s mind.

What’s important to you during these elections?

- Jenny

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