Northern News



The plight of 80-year-old Ian Marr struggling to find a rental property in Kerikeri has struck a chord with many.

Luckily a good friend has come to his aid and provided a short term solution. Rental shortages and subsequent rent increases are a problem around the country.

Nationally, rents are now 3.4 per cent higher than they were in January 2016 - in Northland the increase was 8.5 per cent.

Some say higher deposit levels required for borrowers to take out a mortgage is one reason for the hikes. First home buyers are staying longer in their rentals.

Interest rates are also rising, which some landlords may be passing onto their tenants. And there are simply more people, putting more demand on housing. So what’s the answer?

Wages need to increase - at least in line with rising living costs. And in Mr Marr’s case, perhaps government agencies should show some discretion toward hard working people who have paid taxes all their lives.

- Jenny

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