Northern Outlook



North Canterbury lost a community hero this week with the passing of Richard Ryan.

For any of you that don’t know, Richard was a dedicated husband, father-of-four, police officer and sportsman. All of this among, I’m sure, many, many other things.

His battle with cancer came to public attention when all those that care about him rallied and fundraised to ensure his family would be looked after when he passed. I never had the pleasure of meeting Richard, but I have been lucky enough to learn about his impact on people’s lives through the many stories shared by his colleagues and friends.

For this reason, I have zero hesitation in describing him the way I have in the opening line of this editorial.

There are many in our communitie­s who will do anything they can for others while expecting nothing in return. If you know anyone like this, take the time to let them know how much you appreciate them this weekend.

- Joel

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