Northern Outlook



I read with interest the story from Saturday’s Northern Outlook, which gave a detailed account of buildings being constructe­d in North Canterbury schools.

All of these new builds were befitting current Ministry of Education policy, the Modern Learn- ing Environmen­t, or MLE.

Another translatio­n for MLE is the Modern Learning Experiment.

As a provider of profession­al developmen­t for teachers, a parent educator, and a children’s advocate, I am aware that there are a great many people who do not view these giant classrooms as ‘‘progress’’, as the article reported.

Even proponents of MLEs have a hard time finding research that provides evidence for the worth of these massive ‘learning spaces’, but it’s comparativ­ely easy to find literature supporting the benefits of small group sizes.

Rangiora High School, in particular, has a long history of standing up to the decisions of Wellington-based bureaucrat­s when we feel that they do not match the needs of our community.

I wonder how many of us really believe that putting our kids into a cohort of 350 is in their best interests?

I hear a lot of talk of hope: hope that the acoustic paneling in the giant new classrooms will will be sufficient to minimise noise and distractio­n.

Hope that the new Minister of Education will reconsider this whole direction.

Hope that a new leader at Rangiora High School will somehow mitigate the potential illeffects of this experiment.

Meanwhile, I hope that parents will make their voices heard. To schools, and to government.

—Miriam McCaleb Email shannon.beynon@ fairfaxmed­ or mail to Shannon Beynon, Northern Outlook, PO Box 114, Rangiora. Please keep your letters to around 250 words. Letters may be edited or rejected for legal, space or other reasons.

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