NZ Lifestyle Block


The Words


We’d love to hear about your property and its animals, your projects, your life’s moments. Email editor@nzlifestyl­, and if you wish to include images, please send high resolution jpegs.

and the stars were low and brilliant their glow illuminate­d the whole farm stretching over the contours of the hills and along the winding creek until it was a single shining piece of silver ribbon

Closer by just below the ridge sat the grey mass of sheep faint shadows outlined the curve of their woolly backs they were silent and motionless sleeping not even the bell-bird sang yet

Pale and withdrawn studded with fading stars the sky grew blasé and the sheep began to stir unaware that later they would return naked and ridiculous-looking to these sloping green hills

A face turned grinning and toothy alert focused with smooth cocked ears and wicked brown eyes

Gem shot away at top speed assembling the sheep and snapping at the heels of those who stopped to nibble on the grass

They flooded down the hillside where the woolshed sat patiently waiting.

When the sun rose and shot forth a series of dazzling rays the clouds blushed and the last star melted away

When the night departed the sky was deep and glorious and blue

Indignant bleating the steady hum of the hand-piece and the bell-bird's lyrical song all merged together until summer's colour washed upwards completely and the day rushed in like the roar of a symphony.

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