NZ Lifestyle Block

The history of lettuce


Domesticat­ion of lettuce began with the Egyptians more than 3000 years ago, with tallish, deep-rooted, prickly plants, which quickly bolted to release seeds.

By 2000 BC pictures on Egyptian tombs showed lettuce plants resembling the upright romaine lettuce. These moved around the Mediterran­ean Sea to the Middle East and Europe.

Ancient Roman references refer to green, pale, white, tawny, reddish and purple tones – the full plethora of colours available today – and variations in texture from smooth to curly types.

A subspecies called celtuce, which formed crunchy, elongated, celery-like stems, travelled east, eventually reaching China.

As these lettuces travelled through Persia, Greece, Rome, Sicily and later into France, Germany and England, different types were adapted for different environmen­ts. Between the 16th and 18th century the modern butterhead, leaf and crisphead varieties were selected in Europe, especially Holland.

Learn more about chicken health and management, and the practical aspects of running chickens, including how to garden successful­ly with hens; how to build your own coop (including plans), organics, health care, and how to grow your own quality, nutritious chicken feed. 144 pages There’s more to preserving than jams and chutneys. A fresh take on preserves covers all the foods you might want to store, from cured meats and sausages to long-term storage of your garden harvest and ideas for an egg glut. 144 pages Everything you need to know to set up a hive, make your own honey and help save bees, including video tutorials through an interactiv­e app.

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