NZ Lifestyle Block

How to cook with all kinds of green tomatoes


Green tomatoes are perfect for cooking. Depending on their stage of ripeness, they can be used in various recipes. Immature green tomatoes: these will be very hard and a deep green, with no hint of yellow. These won’t ripen at all and are best used for marmalade. Green tomato marmalade is delicious – google and you’ll find hundreds of recipes. Mature green tomatoes: these are quite firm but the bottom of the fruit has a white or yellow ‘star’. These may ripen under certain conditions – place them in paper bags with bananas, apples and other tomatoes – or they can be stewed and substitute­d for apples in many recipes, or fried. Breakers: these have pink bottoms and will ripen at room temperatur­e, or they can be used straight away in uncooked relishes or guacamole.

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