NZ Lifestyle Block

Our cover star flowers


1 Scabiosa

There are a range of blue and white varieties of Scabiosa (also known as ‘pincushion’ flowers). Very easy to grow, prefer a sunny spot and a welldraine­d soil. They don’t like it cold and wet or too hot and humid. Will bloom all summer-long, deadhead to ensure more flowers, flowers will last 4-5 days in a vase.

2 Snapdragon

The flowers come in a range of colours from white to pastels to very bright hues. Will grow in a sunny or partially-shaded spot with well-drained soil. Vase life is 5-8 days, and they do better if flower food or sugar is mixed into the water.

Federation 3 daisy

These are members of the marguerite family and will flower from spring to autumn. Can be grown in the garden or a pot, do best in full sun in a well-drained but moist soil in a sheltered spot. Deadhead for more flowers, regularly fertilise any in pots. Vase life is 4-5 days.

4 Craspedia

Craspedia are native to NZ and Australia. Their other common name is ‘billy buttons’. They naturally only come in yellow, but can be dyed. Will grow in most soils except acidic, like a sunny spot, will flower all year round in warm climates. Vase life is 10 days or so.

5 Cosmos

Comes in white, red and pink varieties. Very easy to grow, even in poor soils, does best in a sunny spot, keep sheltered from the wind as plants grow to about 90cm. Pretty feathery foliage too. Flowers will last 4-5 days in a vase – cut when first petal is unfurling and it will open up once cut.

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