NZ Trucking Magazine



Well, that was a year, wasn’t it? I have to admit, I’m slightly trepidatio­us about inferring in that first sentence that it’s over and there are no more surprises left in its bag of tricks. As I write this editorial we still have a fraction under a whole month to run, but this is the last print mag for the year, so hope springs eternal and I’ve got my fingers crossed we’ll coast on in to a well-deserved breather.

There’s enough fodder around the traps to fill a dozen editorials. As one attendee said as we all left the New Zealand Trucking Associatio­n summit held in Christchur­ch on 21 November, “That certainly didn’t leave you feeling excited and energised”. He was right, and again it was a great function in terms of getting high calibre people from the regulator and policing together to explain what the playing field looks like from their perspectiv­e. As an industry, there’s an immense amount of work to do in terms of internal housekeepi­ng, ensuring our needs are listened to, resources are allocated appropriat­ely, and above all, our strength understood.

But we have next year to get into all that. What this last editorial needs to be about is thanks. Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone – advertiser­s, suppliers and consumers of our content – for your incredible support. Like every business in the country, for Matt, Margaret, and me, in the weeks following the 25th of March this year, it was like trying to drive an HPMV through thick fog in a strange county. There was dialogue many times most days as events unfolded. We learned a hell of a lot and, now in December, being the only trucking masthead to complete a full complement of print media for the year is a point of immense pride for everyone involved in the business.

Speaking of whom, we could do nothing without our incredible team here at New Zealand Trucking Media. A more passionate group of people you could not wish to be associated with.

I’m always loath to use the word ‘family’ in terms of the workplace; I think it’s an inaccurate, trite expression. Families are not always sentinels of commitment and unity, and work is ‘water’ in terms of choice; family is ‘blood’, with little choice. To have our team choose to put in the effort they do, to see them take the ownership and pride in what they produce every day is both humbling, and energising.

Faye Lougher, our sub-editor, is leaving the sub role at the end of the year to take up a full-time position in rural publishing. Faye took over the subeditor role five years ago and she’s been an absolute rock in terms of helping me on my New Zealand Trucking magazine journey. Her personal work quality is inspiratio­nal, as is her enthusiasm for the subject, and her ability to keep you grounded in 20 words or less legendary! The good news is her byline will still be alive and well in the contributo­r group. Thank you Faye for all your help, education, support, and belief in me.

Faye’s replacemen­t is Tracey Strange, a freelance sub-editor based in Auckland who starts in early January. Welcome

Tracey, fantastic to have you in the cab at New Zealand Trucking Media. We’re a wacky old lot, so buckle up.

Thank you also to the Road Transport Hall of Fame for inducting Trevor Woolston into the hall. Anyone who had their life changed forever by picking up the March 1985 issue of New Zealand Trucking magazine will agree that one is long overdue.

Looking ahead, there’s a lot going on and we’re busier than a metro driver on Christmas Eve. Next year is going to be huge for us. For those who have been bashing the table, there will be another retro test early in the New Year for sure, and it’s shaping up to be a doozy. We have a number of other innovative and significan­t projects on the go, all with the aim of keeping you entertaine­d and informed. The excitement here is palpable, I can tell you that.

But, in order to make it all happen we need you, as in back next year and safe. Please take care over the next couple of months. We all need to let our hair down, but just take a breath, keep the foot off the gas, and take an extra minute or two.

On behalf of Margaret, Matt, myself, and entire team here at New Zealand Trucking Media, thank you all sincerely, have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

 ??  ?? Dave McCoid
Dave McCoid

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