
The ASX is going to take the place of Mitsubishi’s now discontinu­ed Lancer, being the entry level vehicle into Mitsi-world. It is far from a new design, but it is especially clever in that Mitsubishi design teams can JUDIW QHZ WHFKQRORJ\ RQWR WKH $6; WR VXFK D ƓQH GHJUHH LW ORRNV OLNH LW KDV DOZD\V EHHQ WKHUH 7KHUH ZLOO EH D VLJQLƓFDQW FKDQJH FRPLQJ IRU WKH $6; ZKLFK ZLOO PDNH 0LWVXELVKL­ŌV 689 UDQJH PRUH GLVWLQFW IURP RQH another, but in the meantime, ASX will no doubt continue its reign as one of the top selling SUVS in its class. The range is evenly split between petrol and diesel models with the diesels being the standout performers.

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