
One night, Brent decided to cut out the factory fuel-filler. “I did it all properly — cut out some sheet steel, hammered it into shape on a sandbag, and TIG welded it into place. Then I got a call from Darrin asking who had done the filler work. I thought he was going to compliment me on the workmanshi­p,” Brent recalls. “Instead, he told me that he’d be redoing it, and he said he’d handle all the fabricatio­n on the body. That way, we’d both know that he’d done all the work on the body, so, if there is a problem with anything in the future, there wouldn’t be any trouble identifyin­g who did what.” Darrin’s willingnes­s to stand by his work shows. He has done an impeccable job with the panel work — and, in case you were wondering, the fuel-filler has been relocated to the inside of the tray; accessible but out of sight.

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