Otago Daily Times

Pedestrian ‘catapulted’ into air


A DUNEDIN man who drove through a red light into an elderly pedestrian has been told he has robbed her of her independen­ce.

Dean Robert Carruthers (53) appeared before the Dunedin District Court this week having admitted a count of careless driving causing injury.

He was heading east on Hillside Rd, South Dunedin, when he approached the lights at the intersecti­on with Baker St.

With the traffic lights red and the pedestrian signal green, an 84yearold woman started to make her way across the road only to be struck by Carruthers’ car.

She was ‘‘catapulted’’ into the air. The force of the collision was such that she landed on the other side of the road.

Judge Kevin Phillips said the victim’s statement made for ‘‘extremely sad reading’’.

She had spent more than two months in hospital as a result of the incident with a complex pelvic fracture, a fractured and dislocated left shoulder, a broken tooth and a fractured vertebra.

‘‘In reality, Mr Carruthers, the fact of the matter is you’ve destroyed the quality of life for this woman for the rest of her life,’’ the judge said.

The court heard how the octogenari­an could only walk short distances, she could not hang out her washing or make the bed without help.

Despite living in a resthome, she had lost a lot of her independen­ce, the judge said.

Counsel Ann Leonard said her client and the victim had met for a restorativ­ejustice conference where he had apologised profusely.

‘‘He told me if he could wind the clock back, he would do it in a flash,’’ she said.

Ms Leonard said Carruthers was distracted when he approached the lights and thought they were green.

When he realised they were not, he tried to brake but his foot slipped on to the accelerato­r, she told the court.

‘‘He was horrified to see this poor woman lying on the ground after what he’d done,’’ Ms Leonard said.

Carruthers had been living on ACC and Work and Income payments since a car crash many years ago, and he had since had a stroke. But Ms Leonard said her client had been medically cleared to drive.

‘‘That’s unbelievab­le,’’ Judge Phillips said.

‘‘I’m concerned watching you walk to the dock; you’re severely incapacita­ted yourself. I query whether you should have your driving licence.’’

The judge banned Carruthers from driving for a year and ordered him to pay the victim $600.

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