Otago Daily Times

Man sentenced to 20 months’ jail over car arson


AN act of arson on a Honda car in Whare Flat Rd last August brought 20 months’ jail for a 20yearold man sentenced by Judge Michael Crosbie in the Dunedin District Court yesterday.

Teofilo Perez, of Dunedin, had previously been sentenced to imprisonme­nt and had been before the court far too often for someone of his age, the judge said.

Perez had been convicted of arson, unlawfully getting into the Honda and stealing petrol.

The summary, from Crown prosecutor Richard Smith, said Perez and another male were in Musselburg­h Rise on August 12 when, some time between 7pm and 10pm, the other male used a key to unlock and start a Honda vehicle belonging to a then 81yearold man they did not know.

Perez got in to the vehicle and they drove off.

About 11.30pm, they picked up a third male and travelled to Gore.

Just before 5am on August 13, they stole $75 of petrol from Mobil Gore.

Later, in Whare Flat Rd, the vehicle became stuck in a ditch. The two other males left. Perez used a cigarette lighter to set alight various items and set the vehicle on fire.

He then fled.

Police found him walking along the road.

The others were located several hours later.

They had since been dealt with on dishonesty charges from the night and a range of other dishonesty offences, Mr Smith said.

Counsel Sarah Saunderson­Warner said the presentenc­e report indicated Perez was remorseful. It also referred to his life difficulti­es, ‘‘including mental health’’.

Perez accepted a $2000 loss to the victim and was willing to pay reparation.

Judge Crosbie said the victim impact statement made sad reading.

The victim had been due to resit his driver’s licence test soon after ‘‘but didn’t because he did not have a car’’.

‘‘He feels a complete loss of confidence since his transport was taken from him. He was unable to resume his daily lifestyle and became depressed and moodaffect­ed.

‘‘What you did deprived him of his mobility and has affected his ability to enjoy his senior years,’’ the judge told Perez.

Restorativ­e justice did not take place. The victim did not want to attend. Perez’s guilty plea followed a sentencing indication. He had no viable address for electronic monitoring and accepted imprisonme­nt was inevitable, the judge noted.

Perez was sentenced to 20 months’ jail for arson with concurrent sixmonth and onemonth terms respective­ly for unlawfully getting into a vehicle and theft. He is also to pay $2000 reparation and will be subject to release conditions for six months from when his sentence ends.

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