Otago Daily Times

Target of unhealthy food


WELLINGTON: More than half the supermarke­t products aimed at children are unhealthy, obesity research reveals.

The Obesity Policy Coalition surveyed 186 packaged foods with cartoons or characters designed to attract children.

It found 52% were classified as unhealthy by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

Ice creams, ice blocks and snack bars were the worst;. almost 90% were found to be unhealthy.

Among the unhealthy products were Kellogg’s Frosties, (41% sugar), and Kraft Cheestik Sticks, (17.5g of saturated fat per 100g).

One in three New Zealand children are obese or overweight.

Coalition executive manager Jane Martin was shocked so many manufactur­ers were directly targeting children with unhealthy food.

‘‘It’s extremely frustratin­g to see cartoons and animations being used to lure children and . . . push parents into buying unhealthy products for kids,’’ she said.

‘‘Children are naturally drawn to fun, colourful characters on foods . . . and food companies are fully aware of this.’’

Kellogg’s spokesman Derek Lau said the research insinuated parents had less influence on their children than a cartoon ‘‘which is hugely discrediti­ng to what parents decide to choose or don’t choose for their kids’’. — NZME

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