Otago Daily Times

Greens’ immigratio­n policy slammed


REGARDING the story ‘‘Peters says Greens selling out Kiwis’’ (ODT, 21.6.17). Indeed, Winston Peters sounds a warning about Green Party policy, one which does not bode well for New Zealand.

The Greens are the passiveagg­ressive face of the Globalist agenda. They are the Achilles heel of our border security. If given the opportunit­y, they will sell out and betray Kiwis just as they very nearly attempted to do with our cherished flag. They will do this in some mad pursuit of a multicultu­ral variety show hoping to ship in future votes whilst turning a blind eye to Kiwis who will compete more and more for jobs, housing and social services.

So this election year be careful who you vote for, lest one day the Edinburgh of the South become the Bradford of the South Pacific.

Irian Scott Port Chalmers

REGARDING the article about the Greens’ wanting a fivefold increase in refugee intake (ODT, 20.6.17). New Zealand can’t handle the people that are here now.

Look at the state of our health system, surgical waiting lists, lack of housing, people sleeping in cars, garages, shop doorways. And as I see it refugees are getting houses over and above New Zealanders on waiting lists. The only politician with an eye on the ball is Winston Peters. We also have about 140,000 unemployed, plus school leavers, looking for jobs. I rest my case. P. F. Meason


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