Otago Daily Times

Kids online again? It’s not all bad!

When it comes to children and social media, it’s not all bad news, writes Joanne Orlando.


WHILE we often hear about the negative impact social media has on children, its use is not a onesizefit­sall activity. Children use social media in a wide variety of ways — some of which are adding value to their lives.

There are risks, but it’s also important to understand where the value is, and how to guide children to get the most out of their time online.

Social media is a platform for sharing ideas, informatio­n and points of view. This can have educationa­l value: it extends the informatio­n young people can access while also giving them insight into how others think about and use that informatio­n.

For example, an Instagram image can give firsthand insight into how an artist today — or many artists around the world — interprets and applies Picasso’s cubist technique. This insight makes the informatio­n about Picasso real for the child. It supports a deeper understand­ing of his techniques, and a deeper appreciati­on that learning about them is worthwhile.

With so many trending topics online, young people can be exposed to ‘‘insider’’ knowledge across many subjects they are familiar with, as well as introducin­g them to new ones.

Maximum educationa­l benefit comes from combining factual informatio­n with shared reflection. This can support a balanced, varied and ‘‘real’’ input for kids, which can help deepen their understand­ing of a subject.

Research shows social media can have significan­t benefits for children with a medical condition.

A dedicated online Facebook group can help children connect with others who understand and relate to their condition. This can support them with a sense of belonging, a safe space for expression, and opportunit­ies to better understand and cope with their condition.

Social media can also raise community awareness about certain health problems. While it’s not a replacemen­t for reliable, medically sourced informatio­n, a thoughtpro­voking image, or firsthand Facebook account posted by someone with depression, or multiple sclerosis, can spark new thinking for others about the condition and how it affects people’s daily lives.

Sharing health informatio­n in this informal way has been found to help combat the stigma about such conditions in the community.

One of the benefits of using Snapchat or Instagram is that the regular online connection can help to strengthen the friendship­s young people have formed offline.

For those children who feel marginalis­ed in their community, social media can help them connect with others who share the same interests or outlook on life.

In some cases, teenagers with critical problems can turn to social networks for fast support and guidance.

Social media is also an important platform for driving social issues, such as racial issues, to greater national and internatio­nal attention. For example, The Books N Bros online book club was establishe­d by an 11yearold boy who wanted to make reading fun for kids while highlighti­ng AfricanAme­rican literature.

The Black Lives Matter movement started as a Twitter hashtag before it became a major political movement and a noteworthy issue in the 2016 US presidenti­al election.

Understand­ing and accepting that different generation­s use technology differentl­y is a good starting point. It provides opportunit­ies to guide children to positive and empowering uses of technology. — theconvers­ation.com/au

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