Otago Daily Times

Joe Bennett’s attack on Trump is ‘troubling’


I LIKE Joe Bennett! I like his humorous musings! I like his quirky comments on chooks, dogs, smokes, old friends etc; he must certainly have grown up with Monty Python.

I did not like his latest opinion piece (ODT, 15.2.18). His astonishin­g outburst at United States President Donald Trump and VicePresid­ent Mike Pence is troubling in its intensity and in my view vicious character assassinat­ion. Whatever we may think of them, they are not bad men.

Despots abound in this modern world, Trump is not one of them.

Joe’s vitriolic diatribe — it can only be called that — makes me think that not all is well in Joe’s world. I hope I’m wrong.

Sadly, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s timeless words keep coming back: ‘‘Distrust all those in whom the urge to punish is strong.’’

L. McConnell


JOE Bennett’s article (ODT, 15.2.18) is simply a hatefilled, vile piece of rubbish.

Newspapers in New Zealand continue to publish articles based on a negative opinion of President Trump and Mr Bennett seems to lead the charge.

To many in the United States

(64 million), Mr Trump is the last hope and the last chance to save their country from progressiv­e liberal globalists and political correctnes­s gone mad.

His support base is growing and the US is coming back big time. His tax cuts and deregulati­on are breathing life into the economy. Oh and his policies are leading to continued victories over Islamic State.

Make no mistake — Mr Trump is winning, even in the face of hatefilled leftwinger­s like Mr Bennett.

The Russian collusion probe is a witch hunt with the real villains being the FBI and Obama in their wiretappin­g and exploitati­on of the Fisa warrants.

This is a fight between identity politics versus real policy change in a very corrupt country.

Bruce Carlaw


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