Otago Daily Times

Mudtank grates a serious hazard for cyclists


I WAS helpless the instant my face smashed on to Highcliff Rd.

That was when the front wheel of my bicycle disappeare­d into the wide and open slats of the stormwater drain cover.

In those immediate moments and hours to follow, I was dependent entirely on the aid and care of others.

Actually, a great number of others. Physicians say that forming new memories is a good sign when the head takes a big knock, so I tried to learn names as I lay on the road.

Thankyou to Alex and John — the truck driver — whose faces I did not see but whose voices I heard to keep me awake, and to others who stopped and looked after me for no other reason than a person was in need.

Thanks to Shane M for taking my bike home.

Thanks to Shane and Pat in the ambulance, and at the hospital and dentist to Amy, Jocelyn, John, Bryan, CT scanners, Rachel, Julie and several others whose names I don’t recall.

A plea to the Dunedin City


Is it not long overdue to make safe for cyclists the city’s stormwater drain covers and remove this serious road hazard?

Murray Skeaff

Wakari [Dunedin City Council group manager transport Richard Saunders replies:

‘‘We’re sorry to hear about Mr Skeaff’s accident.

‘‘We have made changes to some mudtank grates which have made them safer for cyclists.

‘‘However, we recognise there are still a number of older style grates in Dunedin which would not be considered ‘cycle friendly’.

‘‘Any new mudtanks have cyclefrien­dly grates installed.

‘‘Staff will look at the opportunit­ies to accelerate the roll out of new grates on key cycling routes around the city.’’] .................................

BIBLE READING: All who believed were together and had all things in common. — Acts 2:44.

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