Otago Daily Times

Long past time to do something about NZ’s widening income gap


IT would seem part of New Zealand’s much touted and pervasive poverty issues stem from the legacy of government­s in the last century which sought to make government enterprise­s businessli­ke.

The idea really was that they should be run in a businessli­ke fashion. Like notforprof­it businesses.

Instead, these ‘‘businesses’’ are extracting money from Kiwis on a profit basis.

Every time expat Kiwis have come back to New Zealand for a visit in the last nearly 40 years I have heard them comment on the widening gap between the haves and havenots.

We need a paradigm shift in our thinking and our structures in order to deal with this, as there is only one way it is going at present.

The winter energy payment was a good idea and in line with the £30 that UK residents get, but the real issue here is profit.

Bring back the MED. Our power supply needs to be nationalis­ed.

We need to be modelling ourselves on the Scandinavi­an model while dealing with profitshar­ing inequity in business and getting that tax from companies to pay for all that Kiwis require. Siobhan O’Donnell


The cost of discountin­g

THE Dunedin Opera Company (Opera Otago) would be delighted to be able to offer a senior discount on tickets (ODT, 4.8.18) for its production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni.

Unfortunat­ely, putting on an opera with such a wonderful cast and orchestra costs a great deal.

While we receive generous financial support from a number of sources, we still depend on box office income to pay our bills.

We will keep Maureen’s comments in mind for future production­s, and would like to let everyone know that we do offer a concession to members of our organisati­on, and would love for people to join us.

Ingrid FomisonNur­se Chairwoman, Opera Otago ..................................

BIBLE READING: With praise and thanksgivi­ng they sang to the Lord: ‘‘He is good.’’ — Ezra 3:11.

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