Otago Daily Times



7 I'm not one to weaken


8 Involve in late changes


10 Body found in the

motorist's boot? (7)

11 A win, not for the first

time (5)

12 Consumes varied teas


13 One employed to

unpick seams? (5)

17 He has a short way to

push (5)

18 Circular letter to a friend reputedly brings bad luck (4)

22 Concerning a sailor

away from home (5)

23 If you can remember this then all will be forgotten! (7)

24 A bullet for the

detective (6)

25 Riddle used as means

of concealmen­t (6) 1 He casts an item of

pottery (7)

2 Drinks lacking body?


3 Cigarettes cut in half

may still be smoked (5)

4 Having given a hand

was fully occupied (7)

5 Asian mother outside

the church (5)

6 Smooth and quiet

country road (5)

9 Giving one credit for

thinking (9)

14 Be informed about the

plant (7)

15 Oil ran about and

caused damage (7)

16 Nothing left from the

galleon (3,4)

19 Numberless crafts that

save life (5)

20 There's some point in

a story having one (5)

21 Shares a plant (5)

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