Otago Daily Times

Biosecurit­y looming as No 1 factor: report


BEYOND trade and feed costs, biosecurit­y risks are shaping up as the factor with the most potential to significan­tly affect the global protein sector next year, Rabobank animal proteins analyst Blake Holgate says.

The bank’s global animal protein outlook report identified other key factors as labour shortages, industry consolidat­ion, rising sustainabi­lity and ethical demands, and the continued emergence of alternativ­e proteins.

This year, disease affected all animal protein — from livestock to poultry and aquacultur­e — and biosecurit­y was expected to become a major theme in many countries and for many companies next year, Mr Holgate said.

African swine fever and avian influenza were now worldwide threats and both were expected to create volatility in trade streams and change global trade flows in the coming year, the report said.

While New Zealand had not been directly affected by either of those diseases, the Mycoplasma bovis outbreak highlighte­d it could not be complacent when it came to biosecurit­y and every effort had to be made to ensure the integrity of its biosecurit­y systems, he said.

Biosecurit­y Minister Damien O’Connor said farmers were improving their onfarming biosecurit­y by making greater use of the National Animal Identifica­tion and Tracing (Nait) scheme.

Changes were being made to ensure Nait was easier to use and a more effective biosecurit­y tool following its poor performanc­e during the M. bovis outbreak.

While hundreds of warning letters and more than 70 fines had been issued to those breaking the rules, thousands of farmers had raised their game, Mr O’Connor said in a statement.

Mr Holgate said while sheep and beef farmers could expect solid farmgate pricing in the coming year, they would be wise to keep a close eye on local issues which had the potential to affect onfarm production costs and productivi­ty.

New regulation­s relating to water quality, indigenous biodiversi­ty and greenhouse gas emissions were expected in the shorttomed­ium term and farmers would need to look carefully at the detail of any incoming regulation to ensure they understood how it was likely to affect their operations, what investment would be required to meet new targets and how any investment could be leveraged.

Sourcing labour was another issue affecting the red meat sector supply chain. Both farm owners and meatproces­sing companies had had some difficulty sourcing workers this year.

With labour availabili­ty expected to remain tight next year as a result of low levels of unemployme­nt and restricted access to migrant labour, there was scope for that to affect producer and processor productivi­ty, he said.

Total animal protein production growth — across all terrestria­l and aquatic species — was expected to continue to increase next year, although the rate of expansion was slowing.

Global animal protein growth below the fiveyear average was forecast for 2019, after strongerth­anexpected growth this year.

Pork and wildcatch seafood were expected to see the largest declines, although the slowdowns in poultry and beef growth were also material.

A shift to protection­ist policies and US dollar strength meant there was a lack of clarity regarding next year.

The USChina trade war had reshaped pork and seafood trade this year and, as major players in the global animal protein trade, their disagreeme­nt was having much wider implicatio­ns.

Of most significan­ce for New Zealand sheep and beef farmers was the affect of the trade war on beef trade flows.

‘‘While we do not see any direct beef trade between the US and China in 2019, we do see US exports looking for new destinatio­n markets and this has the potential to distort other trade flows.’’

Global feed prices were set for a gradual increase in 2019, supported by robust demand against a backdrop of tightening supply.

Those higher prices would help to improve New Zealand’s competitiv­eness compared with other key exporters of animal protein, particular­ly beef.

‘‘Given New Zealand’s minimal use of feed in comparison to our export competitor­s for red meat products, an increase in feed costs is likely to more significan­tly lift our competitor­s’ overall cost of production and create a comparativ­e cost advantage for New Zealand.’’

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