Otago Daily Times

Drivers uninjured after vehicles crash

- RICHARD DAVISON richard.davison@odt.co.nz

A SERIOUS incident was narrowly averted yesterday morning, when a car and truck collided on State Highway 1 near Balclutha.

A silver Honda Civic saloon driven by a 66yearold woman from Alexandra was travelling into Balclutha from the north about 11.30am when she pulled over to perform a Uturn, police said.

Police said that due to unfamiliar­ity with the roads and poor visibility around a series of corners, the woman had misjudged the timing of her turn and begun to pull out in front of a passing truck.

The rear of the car took the brunt of the impact, police said, leaving the woman shocked but uninjured.

The driver of the truck was also unharmed. No other vehicles were involved.

The car remained on the verge facing south, after receiving extensive damage to its rightside bodywork, which had trapped the woman inside.

An onlooker from Clydevale, who did not wish to be named, said the driver walked unaided from her car to a nearby ambulance after firemen released the door using hydraulic equipment.

She described the series of bends to Balclutha’s north as ‘‘lethal’’.

‘‘This part of the road is shocking, and you see people cutting corners all the time. I’m surprised you don’t see more accidents.’’

No road closures were in place after yesterday’s accident, and traffic was moving normally.

Police invited further witnesses to come forward, and said inquiries into the incident were ongoing.

 ?? PHOTO: RICHARD DAVISON ?? Cleaning up . . . Balclutha fire officers sweep State Highway 1 clear of glass after a crash just north of the town yesterday morning.
PHOTO: RICHARD DAVISON Cleaning up . . . Balclutha fire officers sweep State Highway 1 clear of glass after a crash just north of the town yesterday morning.

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