Otago Daily Times

Time for Kiwibank to lift its game if it wants to gain customers


THE Kiwibank TV advert makes me smile, but not in a happy way.

Does Kiwibank think New Zealanders are ‘‘thick’’ or something? Of course we compare Kiwibank with competitor­s, who come out top for most of their services.

Judging by comments, Kiwibank started off by pushing ‘‘patriotism’’, but when Australian banks started to close up in smaller towns, surely Kiwibank should have stepped in and countered these closures by offering some form of banking services, even if only parttime depots — this would have emphasised its ‘‘patriotism’’.

It then advertised that it was discontinu­ing cheques. I have spoken to a few people regarding this, and find that in the main, the older and some business folk still rely on the cheque system.

Looking around the city and environs, we find that Kiwibank has closed a number of outlets. Again, this is not service or catering to Kiwis’ ‘‘patriotism’’.

Kiwibank, if you want us to support you, cater to all Kiwis, institutio­ns, businesses and age groups, and be visible in cities, towns and the smaller places which require your presence in some form or another.

Mike Rawling


Moana Pool

AS a longtime lane swimmer at Moana Pool, I and others have noticed a disturbing trend by the lifeguards or pool attendants moving the very hard, heavy, plastic lane ropes over lane swimmers with no prior warning.

This is a common occurrence on Saturday mornings now. Even at a recent lunchtime session, I had my left hand bent back by a much larger lane rope being moved with again no prior warning.

These lane ropes can bruise, cut and bend your fingers very easily. Despite appealing to these lifeguards to warn me (us), the practice continues.

I would have thought the health and safety of pool patrons is paramount. Obviously, this is not the case. P. Graham


[Dunedin City Council aquatics manager Nicola Jukes replies:

‘‘We acknowledg­e that P. Graham has a good point as we quite often have difficulty getting swimmers’ attention when it’s time to remove the lane ropes.

‘‘We have signs up warning that the lanes are going to be moved and staff try to get swimmers’ attention but we sometimes find swimmers don’t take notice of this.

‘‘We’ll look at how we might be able to address this concern. We don’t want to have to empty the pool each time we change lanes as this would be disruptive to all of our pool users.’’] ..................................

BIBLE READING: My heart rejoices in your salvation. — Psalm 13.5.

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