Otago Daily Times

Tourist camping ‘reset’ needed in wake of virus


CONGRATULA­TIONS are due to Queenstown Lakes District deputy mayor Calum Macleod who is calling for a ‘‘reset’’ of the tourism industry, (ODT, 11.4.20).

Here is a place to start. Freedom camping in New Zealand means freedom from cost and often, sadly, freedom from social responsibi­lity.

This has to change. The millions invested in education and signage, the persuasion approach, is not working.

In 200304 the prospect of large numbers of visitors taking the opportunit­y to visit NZ on the cheap during the 2005 Lions Tour sent shivers up the spine of officialdo­m. With traditiona­l accommodat­ion bookings filling fast it was feared the ‘‘Barmy Army’’ would take to the highways, byways, and in particular many informal sites as well, and freedom camping was born.

Conceptual­ly it is a great idea and is well respected by many. Regrettabl­y the disrespect shown by others gives it a bad name and it degrades our beautiful countrysid­e. The benefits go to van companies, and motorists, while traditiona­l facilities — camping grounds — miss out on the bonanza.

Our unique natural environmen­t, our primary attraction, is under threat on a host of fronts; introduced pests, climate change, plant disease, people pressure, to name a few.

If a solution is in our hands we must act. As we emerge from our present crisis, with tourism returning to the new normal, let it be into a community where overnight motorised camping is at a location where our precious natural world cannot be compromise­d.

Evan Alty Lake Hawea

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