Otago Daily Times

Lockdown, liquor breaches at forecourt

- REBECCA RYAN rebecca.ryan@odt.co.nz

AN Oamaru woman was found breaching lockdown rules and the liquor ban in central Oamaru early yesterday.

At 12.20am, police were called to the Z service station in Severn St, where a group of young people had gathered on the forecourt.

Sergeant Blair Wilkinson said when police spoke to a 20yearold Oamaru woman about breaching the liquor ban, she allegedly assaulted an officer.

While she was being processed, she was also found to have cannabis in her possession.

She was released on a precharge warning and issued an infringeme­nt notice for breaching the liquor ban, Sgt Wilson said.

An 18yearold Oamaru man who had a warrant out for his arrest was also found in the group of people gathered at the service station. He was arrested and will appear in court tomorrow.

Everyone in the group was issued written warnings for breaching the lockdown rules, Sgt Wilkinson said.

Oamaru police have received several calls about gatherings of people in Level 4 lockdown.

‘‘Generally our response is to go and speak to the people and get them to [return to their bubbles],’’ he said.

A 32yearold Dunedin woman stopped by police in Waianakaru­a yesterday was issued a written warning for breaching Covid19 lockdown rules. She was also charged with driving while suspended and her vehicle was impounded.

On Friday afternoon, police received several calls about an altercatio­n in Thames Hwy.

‘‘The people involved have been identified and police are still carrying out inquiries,’’ Sgt Wilkinson said.

 ??  ?? Blair Wilkinson
Blair Wilkinson

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