Otago Daily Times


- CRUZ WALLACE Year 12, Otago Boys’ High School

Dear Cruz,

I am writing to you today to share all the wisdom and knowledge that I have gained growing up for the past 16 years.

I’ve been through a lot and I’m still learning as I go, which sometimes ain’t easy, but that’s why I’m writing this letter to you today.

As you experience new things, I hope this can help later in your life with any problem or difficulty you might face.

At 16 years old, I’ve learned a lot about life, which isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Life can be hard.

There’s been a lot of times that it’s got to me.

The most eyeopening moment that I’ve experience­d of life not being fair, is when my dad left.

You will go through this, and, yes, it’ll be hard, having that in the back of your mind all day, or even crying yourself to sleep.

It’s OK, though, because our family will always be there for us.

As life gets hard and you start to hurt, just remember that the struggles that happen to you are only testing who you are as a person.

Are you gonna be a puddle who people step on or an ocean which can destroy and bring joy.

As Mum always says: ‘‘When everything seems to be going against you, remember that planes take off against the wind, not with it.’’

Another thing about life that I have learned is that the decisions you choose impact your life completely.

Even though I have made a lot of bad choices, and done stupid things, I don’t regret anything.

These choices have defined me into the person that I have become.

There are many different choices you could face in your future which won’t always be easy, but it's these choices, the real hard ones, that will show what type of person you are.

These choices could be between your friends or even between family, where you have to support one side.

They are hard, but just remember that whatever choice you make, you have to live with it.

Lastly, as you are reading this, you are in Australia.

I just want you to know how to accept change, because soon everything is gonna change.

You won't be used to the environmen­t (the space around you), the culture (the way they live), or even the people around you.

I know you will be scared of reading this.

If there's one thing I learnt about this problem, it’s that you have to accept change.

The faster you accept it, the more fun you will have.

This will be through making new friends, learning about your culture (who you are), and even being around your blood family.

The meaning of this writing is to give you some advice through your future experience­s.

These experience­s all cause you to become the person that I am right now, which in my opinion, is great.

The person that I am is you, so remember that these are your future experience­s.

Cherish these times, because life is too short for any of us to be taking it for granted.

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