Otago Daily Times

More than 100 doctors say ‘yes’


WELLINGTON: More than 100 doctors have come forward to put their names behind cannabis legalisati­on, in response to the New Zealand Medical Associatio­n’s backtracki­ng from opposing the Bill to neutrality.

They say they fear the associatio­n’s decision to oppose the cannabis referendum and legalisati­on, without having consulted its members, could lead to the referendum failing.

The NZMA changed its stance to a neutral one only after several doctors complained about its stance and NZMA chairwoman Dr Kate Baddock admitted that it did not consider the proposed legislatio­n before opposing the referendum.

Dr Emma Clare, who has worked as a youth health GP, said many doctors thought the referendum would pass, and so did not speak up about the NZMA’s anti stance.

That was until polling showed the referendum was unlikely to pass.

‘‘I just feel a bit helpless, really,’’ Dr Clare said.

‘‘I thought it was going to pass, I really did, and then the last few polls have been really dishearten­ing.

‘‘Then this NZMA stuff came out and I wondered, what can be done here? I was surprised about the NZMA’s stance on it.’’

The NZMA had an existing policy, formed in 2012, opposing the legalisati­on of recreation­al cannabis but advocating for its decriminal­isation.

While the policy had been reiterated since then, Dr Clare said its age baffled her.

‘‘If you have a statement from 2012, you’re unable to take into account some of the evidence from countries that have subsequent­ly legalised cannabis and have seen some evidence of harm reduction with the legalisati­on model.’’

Dr Clare posted on doctors’ groups on Facebook, asking who would be willing to put their name behind the campaign to legalise recreation­al use of cannabis. She said it should be clear cut that legalisati­on was the best outcome, and that decriminal­isation would not go far enough.

‘‘My assessment of the evidence I’ve seen, it’s pretty overwhelmi­ngly in favour of legalisati­on and that’s the same conclusion that the Public Health Associatio­n has reached.

‘‘But I also think, in the New Zealand context, we have an added imperative to legalise because of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

‘‘We currently have this situation where Maori are disproport­ionately being harmed by this criminalis­ation of cannabis, and as Treaty partners we have to try and rectify some of that inequity.’’

Dr Clare said not all doctors wanted recreation­al cannabis legalised, and there was a very real split between medical profession­als.

She said no group could claim to be speaking on behalf of all doctors, but wanted to make it clear that a large proportion of doctors did support legalisati­on.

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