Otago Daily Times

Let’s look at who can vote and who can’t


I HAVE been thinking very deeply and rationally about the issue of whether 16yearolds be given a vote in their country’s future.

I respectful­ly suggest, if they are not allowed this right, to balance the account, anyone over 70 be similarly disqualifi­ed.

And while I am about it, maybe anyone who has not experience­d marijuana has no right to vote in the coming referendum as they are not qualified to comment.

Finally, my faultless logic tells me that anyone alive has no right to say how anyone else might choose to die, again with no experience of the destinatio­n. Steve Thomas



IN the days gone by, when we had an election (voting on a Saturday), all the politician­s had to stop their electionee­ring so that people were not influenced going to the polling booths.

Now we have voting booths open for weeks, and we have politician­s giving money away to different groups for a variety of reasons and this is not seen as corruption of our democratic process.

Thirty million might be seen to buy a lot of votes on the hustings. Or am I the only cynic left in the world?

Mary Adams



I WISH to thank all those involved with the #makeitlega­l cannabis referendum campaign in Dunedin. The support of these volunteers makes the task of combating prohibitio­nist propaganda refreshing­ly rewarding.

I would like to acknowledg­e all those that have seen us out waving our signs and showing their support with toots, waves and thumbs ups. A big thank you to all the moderators on social media who have put up with antagonist­ic abuse and threats on a daily basis.

Massive thanks to those who have understood the opportunit­y we have at this year’s election to vote Yes on the cannabis legalisati­on and control Bill on or before October 17.

Bert Holmes


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