Otago Daily Times

Advance NZ party’s Facebook page removed over policy breach


WELLINGTON: Facebook has pulled Advance NZ’s page days out from the election.

Party coleader Billy Te Kahika says the move is ‘‘nothing short of election interferen­ce’’, and is calling for an investigat­ion into the social media giant’s behaviour.

‘‘Advance NZ has been bravely questionin­g the Government’s approach to Covid19, sharing the views and advice of internatio­nal scientists, and standing up to vested interests in New Zealand,’’ he said.

But a Facebook spokeswoma­n said the party was deplatform­ed after it repeatedly breached the social media site’s misinforma­tion policies.

‘‘We don’t allow anyone to share misinforma­tion on our platforms about Covid19 that could lead to imminent physical harm,’’ she said.

‘‘We have clear policies against this type of content and will enforce on these policies regardless of anyone’s political position or party affiliatio­n.

‘‘We removed Advance New Zealand/New Zealand Public

Party’s Facebook Page for repeated violations of this policy.’’

It came as the party was ordered to pull misleading advertisin­g claiming vaccinatio­ns were mandatory under the law — which they are not.

Directorge­neral of health Ashley Bloomfield has even gone on the record to say a vaccine to

Covid19 would not be mandatory.

Mr Te Kahika yesterday said Facebook’s actions showed the party was in a ‘‘very real fight’’ against New Zealand becoming a totalitari­an state.

‘‘This is a cynical example of election interferen­ce by an Americanow­ned social media outlet that has no business performing any such operation in our sovereign nation. I am horrified beyond belief.’’

‘‘We need to stand now, in this election, to protect our rights and freedoms,’’ he said.

Mr Te Kahika holds several controvers­ial views, including that Covid19 was a bioweapon to be used on civilians around the world.

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