Otago Daily Times

Councillor being vilified for ‘storm in a teacup’


IT was reported that Lee Vandervis was red in the face when confrontin­g Christine Garey over her ruling out accepting his ‘‘point of order’’ (ODT, 6.11.20).

Maybe Cr Garey has not noticed that Cr Vandervis has a naturally ruddy complexion.

Then Steve Walker seemingly does his Sir Galahad action in rescuing Cr Garey from the fingerpoin­ting and wrath of Cr Vandervis. He also probably unconsciou­sly does similar actions. I have seen Cr Walker get carried away, waving his hands and arms like an overexuber­ant symphony orchestra conductor when speaking.

All this, what I consider to be no more than a storm in a teacup, could have been easily resolved by Cr Garey just walking away and not continuing the confrontat­ion by remaining there.

What I do not condone is DCC staff being bullied/abused by anyone.

These people are only doing their job. They are the messengers. Not those elected people who create the message which can be either good or bad that staff have to comply with.

It should be remembered that Cr Vandervis polled, in the first iteration to be elected at the last council election, 7493 votes, compared to 3959 votes of the secondhigh­est polling candidate, Cr Garey.

Cr Vandervis did have considerab­le public support.

John Neilson


[Abridged] ....................................


Be generous, and some day you will be rewarded. — Ecclesiast­es 11:1.

 ??  ?? Lee Vandervis
Lee Vandervis

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