Otago Daily Times

Lilli’s health crackers


These crackers from Lilli Reed, our manager in Melbourne, have become a staple grocery item sold in our bakeries in Melbourne and Sydney. The idea came from all the excess seeds that fall off our seeded ficelles, bagels and loaves. We store the seeds collected from our bread crates, mix through fresh seeds and add oats and other ingredient­s on hand at the bakery to make these delicious, healthy and moreish crackers. They make the perfect vehicle for cheese or avocado, and are a lighter replacemen­t for bread.

Makes about 40 crackers


230g multiseed mix (see right) 115g pepitas (pumpkin seeds) 25g chia seeds

35g psyllium husk

170g oats

530g filtered water, at 28°C

50g maple syrup

15g olive oil


Mix all the dry ingredient­s together. Place the wet ingredient­s in a large bowl, mix well, then add the dry ingredient­s. Combine all the ingredient­s with your hands, making sure everything is really well incorporat­ed. Cover and leave to rest for 2 hours in the fridge.

While the cracker mix is resting, prepare your baking paper. You’ll need two pieces of baking paper per tray, cut to the same size as each tray. Brush each sheet with a thin layer of oil.

Heat the oven to 170°C. Remove the cracker mix from the fridge and weigh out 170g portions, placing each on a sheet of baking paper. Cover with a second sheet of baking paper and roll out to a thickness of about 3mm. Peel off the top sheet of baking paper and slide the rolled cracker, still on its sheet of baking paper, on to a baking tray.

Use your dough scraper to score the cracker mix into your desired cracker size. We suggest scoring in half lengthways and then making four or five scores the other way. Repeat rolling and scoring until you’ve used all of the cracker mix.

Bake trays, in batches, for 15 minutes, then rotate them 180 degrees, reduce heat to 150°C , and bake for a further 30 minutes until crisp and dry. Repeat with remaining trays.

Remove crackers from oven, allow to cool, then divide into portions along the scoring marks.

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