Rodney Times

Mayor departs with heartfelt farewell


Auckland’s mayor took to the podium for the last time on Thursday, saying he gave his all to the job and ‘‘left it on the field’’.

Len Brown gave a valedictor­y speech at his final Auckland Council governing body meeting at the Auckland Town Hall.

Councillor­s Arthur Anae, Cameron Brewer and George Wood, who will stand down at the end of this governing body term, also gave valedictor­y speeches.

Brown has served three terms as mayor - once of Manukau City and then twice under the combined Auckland super city structure. Under his mayoralty Auckland public transport patronage has increased with the introducti­on of electric trains, providing a more efficient and pleasant service.

There have also been welldocume­nted lowlights, including his affair with council advisory board member Bevan Chuang.

Brown said he came into the role ‘‘full of love and hope and expectatio­n for the city’’ six years ago.

‘‘I would like to acknowledg­e what is a change in the spirit of our city.

‘‘The City Rail Link is an example of what can be achieved as a united city,’’ Brown said. ‘‘This is now a city that is prepared for change, is ready to accept transforma­tion.’’

‘‘I gave my best and I left it on the field. I gave it my all.’’

Brown’s last words were for his family, who he thanked, saying: ‘‘We survive and remain strong for it.’’

Brown acknowledg­ed Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse saying ‘‘you are a stunning leader in your own right - our city should have a sweet part in it’s heart for you’’. He also thanked the councillor­s, heads of staff and staff.

In her response to Brown’s speech Hulse said that history should record what he has done for Auckland and should remember him for his extraordin­ary achievemen­ts.

‘‘Your legacy will be your steadfast commitment to getting CRL put in place and you should always be remembered for that,’’ she told him.

Cameron Brewer thanked Brown for his commitment as a relentless chair.

‘‘Apart from all the debt, thank you Len for bringing the region together.’’

Brown was gifted a Pohutakawa sapling by the governing body - one of the original trees that once grew at the top of One Tree Hill.

 ?? CHRIS MCKEEN ?? Exiting Auckland Mayor LenBrown said there had been ‘‘a change in the spirit’’ of the city.
CHRIS MCKEEN Exiting Auckland Mayor LenBrown said there had been ‘‘a change in the spirit’’ of the city.

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