Rodney Times

Secret to a healthier old age is being actively involved


‘‘Sixty is the new middle age,’’ claims Sergei Scherbov, world population study director. ’’What we think of as old has changed over time and will need to continue changing in the future as people live longer, healthier lives. 200 years ago, 60 was very old.’’

His secret to living that longer healthier life? Get involved.

• Choose regular exercise that you enjoy. Make it a joy not a chore. Try something new. As long as it feels good it will be doing you good.

• Being sedentary is the most ageing thing you can do. So even while sitting watching TV, in the office, travelling by car or plane, keep moving. An Aircycle exerciser allows you do this. It keeps your joints flexible and muscles strong.

• Keep an eye on your diet and your waistline. But feel able to indulge occasional­ly and really enjoy it.

• Lack of sleep plays havoc with your skin, memory, immune system and your mood. Sleep is great for your health.

• And don’t forget to laugh. Live with a twinkle in your eye and a keen sense of fun.

The study says, ‘‘with people living longer, healthier lives, age will not just be a number we reach but a reflection of the kind of life we lead.’’

So laugh a lot, sleep well, eat sensibly and don’t be sedentary. That’s ageing!

Keep moving with an Aircycle circulatio­n booster while you watch TV or sit in the office. Exercise is anti - ageing. Boost circulatio­n, relieve arthritic pain, strengthen leg muscles to stay mobile and independen­t.

Visit or call 0800 14 14 15.

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