Rotorua Daily Post

How work will improve Te Ngae Rd?


I amjust wonderingh­owon Earth all thatmoneyp­oured into improving Te Ngaerdis going to help the current traffic flow.

Fromwhat I see there is anew shared pathway between Sala St and Tarawera Rd. Careful considerat­ion has been taken to detour the pathway around redwood trees (not even native).

Between Sala St and Tarawerard there looks like there will still be two lanes on either side of the road.

Howis this going to decrease the congestion problem ?

Iwould have thought another lane either side would help the traffic flow particular­ly at peak times.

Therewas already a shared pathway which could have been movedover to allow for an extra lane on each side of road.

Jessica Pickering



Weare fast approachin­g the seasonwhen­dog owners shudder and people trying to get a night’s sleep to grow angry - yep, Guyfawkes is nearing.

Last year, weall promised to do something about it, tomake enough noise so thatsomebo­dy listens - have we, hell.

Socomethe glorious 5th of Novemberan­d the twoweeks before and the monthafter­when every nightsome moronlets off another handful of fireworks and our poordogs cower under the couch or bed, will soon beuponus.

Arewe going to do something about it this time? Idoubt it. Jimadams



Itwaswith total disbeliefw­hen reading inmonday’s newspaper an announceme­nt in which Judith Collins states National will leave a legacy for thenext generation.

Shewas quoted as saying: A complete upgrade of transport, education andhealthc­are infrastruc­ture.

Collinsmay­not have been the leader for thenine years of a policy of not spendingmo­ney on anything butwas a seniormemb­erof the National Party.

I’d like to believe this will happen, but I doubt it very much.

Lois Slater


 ?? ?? Te Ngae Road traffic.
Te Ngae Road traffic.

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