Rotorua Daily Post

Cryptic crossword



1. Records a pest moving around (5)

4. Motion won by being borne along? (7)

8. Former partner, despite difficulty, hurries it along (9)

9. Is it because it’s short of lettuce? (3)

10. Said one didn’t have to be pardoned (7)

12. The average adult male, English included (4)

14. Falsely identified it, but Tom is just about all right (7)

17. No score includes a thing that takes a hammering (4)

18. Take over duty from another and raise the siege (7)

20. Equal value given to half the church district (3)

21. Passing of bill into law meant cent had to be changed (9)

23. Is finished with it, despite being about right for it (7)

24. Right to have lied about being made angry (5)


1. Here, a state of dissolutio­n makes them get plot in a mess (3,7-3)

2. Pope’s office might pay cap that fits it (6)

3. Liking to give one pain, is it cad’s turn? (8)

4. As this bed was needed, of course (3)

5. A trick sure to be found out (4)

6. Moved very slowly as one nicked the head off (6)

7. Being impartial, sitters indeed get upset (13)

11. Frighten one from inside territory (5)

13. He brings things together to call or to compare them (8)

15. The glass paper? (6)

16. To annul what a leper can produce (6)

19. An admirer of one such as Brummel (4)

22. Like hydrogen, it’s what’s left of burning (3)

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