South Taranaki Star

Her first step was to stop smoking


Caroline Kara’s journey started six years ago when she gave up smoking because she wanted to be around to watch her grandchild­ren grow up and encourage them to have a ‘‘go do it’’ attitude, no matter what obstacles they may come up against.

Kara then realised that along with giving up smoking she had to make more lifestyle changes: healthy living, healthy food, exercise and a positive attitude.

‘‘I had been exercising on and off for the last six years, but when it’s just yourself you quickly lose motivation. I needed to keep myself busy to finally kick the smoking in the butt, and I’m proud to say, I’ve not had a cigarette since and don’t miss it.

‘‘So a year ago when I was asked to come along and try out a spin class I had no idea what a spin class was but thought ‘what have I got to lose?’ I didn’t realise that there were so many exercises you could do on a bike. After one class I was hooked!’’

Since joining the Ki Whanau Gym Kara said she had more energy, more motivation, a clearer mind and felt a lot better in so many different ways. ’’If you had asked me a year ago about participat­ing in triathlons, I would have said you’re crazy! But with all these positive changes I’ve made with the help and support from everyone involved this has given me the courage and determinat­ion to take part in IronMaori events.’’

Carolyn hopes her story inspires others to make some positive changes in their lives.

‘‘Even if you start off small; any positive change is a change for the better.’’

IronMaori Ki Hawera Whanau Training and Support was formed to create a familybase­d, non-judgmental environmen­t to support all levels, sizes and ages. Each member is supported in achieving their own goals while aiming for events such as IronMaori Taranaki. Now they are sharing their stories to inspire others to get off the couch and get fit. ‘‘Even if you start off small; any positive change is a change for the better’’

Carolyn Kara Carolyn Kara put her self out of her comfort zone so that she could be healthy.

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