South Waikato News

Season to desex pets


My personal soapbox is desexing, as we draw ever closer to the kitten season. If you have a cat, get it fixed, female or male. I’ve heard it all. ‘‘I’m not getting mine fixed, he can’t have kittens.’’

No he can’t but he can go out fathering several sets at a time.

‘‘It’s so expensive’’ is a familiar cry; having to feed, worm and flea six kittens until they find homes is expensive.

They had homes when they were tiny; now no-one wants them.

Cat fights causing abscesses are expensive; vets need to know eyes, ears, noses, and bones, grooming, surgical and dentistry – all rolled into one person.

Your local SPCA has all cats and kittens desexed before they are re-homed, and also pups from 3 months up.

The same principles and rules apply to dogs but the expense is worse. By desexing your dog your registrati­on is cheaper; you can apply to the council to see if you qualify for an SOP.

Dogs are generally better behaved, there are no hassles with male dogs visiting when females are in season. You do the math – one male to a female, she has six to 13 pups to worm and buy food for, for several weeks to months. Other issues with dogs are vaccinatio­ns for parvo virus which can be lethal especially for unvaccinat­ed animals. Living conditions can cause problems like mange – this needs diagnosing as there are two main types. Choose an animal to suit your lifestyle.

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