South Waikato News

Minister had passion for all life, including God’s work


Ngatauiwi Lloyd Crossley Ngapo, better known as Lloyd or Chief, will be remembered for the many blessings he bestowed at various community functions as an Anglican minister.

To his family he will be remembered as a dedicated husband and father who always put his family first.

Mr Ngapo was born at Manaia in 1947. At 8 years old he and his family moved to Mangakino where his father worked on the Whakamaru dam.

Mr Ngapo excelled at school eventually being made head prefect at the then Mangakino District High School.

He was an excellent sportsman who succeeded at various sports including cricket, athletics and his beloved rugby.

While at school, Mr Ngapo would find his soulmate, Gaynor Ross, the stepdaught­er of the local doctor.

‘‘He invited me to a local dance, I said I would go if he would find a date for a friend of mine. I remember saying to my friend we would go to the dance with them and ditch them.

‘‘ It’s funny when I think about it, because it was that dance that pretty much sealed the deal,’’ Mrs Ngapo said. could no longer walk.’’ Mrs Ngapo said.

In 2006, Mr Ngapo left his job as a social worker at Raukawa, when he was diagnosed with kidney failure.

He lost his battle on October 13, 2012 surrounded by his wife, children and five grandchild­ren.

Mr Ngapo was involved in all aspects of the community – as a member of the Tokoroa High School Old Boys, Forestland Variety Music Club and a staunch advocate for animals.

He is survived by his wife, Gaynor Ngapo, his children and grandchild­ren. December 29, 1947 – October 13, 2012.

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