South Waikato News

Time to share the joy of Christmas with family


Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa Lava, Bulla Vinaka.

Christmas time is upon us and it has become so hectic. It is easy to get caught up in the commercial­isation, the trappings, the shopping, and the decorating of the tree, the thought of holidays, the festive food, the parties, all at the expense of the real reason for Christmas; the celebratio­n of the birth of that special person Jesus into the human family.

Let’s share that joy, that love with our close family; for Christmas is that time when family is to the fore.

Let’s celebrate, enjoy, share love with those closest to us but also take a little time to give thought to those in the wider family.

Christmas is a time of hope when we extend love to one another, when we are tolerant of others points of view, when we celebrate the diversity of life and we extend to all mankind, those enduring gifts that will last long after the tree comes down.

We so easily say ‘‘this is the time for peace and goodwill to all men’’, but too often they are just words.

What a wonderful place the South Waikato would be if we really took those words into our life and lived by them, not only at Christmas but throughout the year. What a gift that would be for families in our district.

There would be no violence, only harmony with one another. Let’s all promise to make that our Christmas gift to one another. Let’s make it happen. Merry Christmas to you all and May the blessings of God be on us all.

Tena Kotou Tena Kotou Tena Kotou Katoa

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