Sunday News

More swords, please!

- Kylie KleinNixon

We’ve waited years for Game of Thrones to come back, why is a seven-day wait for the next episode so blimmin’ hard?

I don’t want to wait. I want more swords now, I tell you.

Netflix provides, naturally, with Knightfall, a 10-part series about the fall of the Templars, that arcane sect of medieval warrior priests about whom a plethora of myths, legends and outright fantasy has sprung up (season two is currently unfolding on Neon and SoHo).

The show leans heavily on some of these myths – Dan Brown would approve. With its Thrones-worthy budgets and cracking cast of character actors, including Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Jim Carter (Downton Abbey) and Gina McKee (Notting Hill), and a History Channelesq­ue eye for detail, it’s historical drama at its gory and fiery best.

Still lusting for blood and conquest? Try Vikings (Netflix, Lightbox). Rich and gritty, this

History Channel drama brings the ancient Norse world to life in the most unique way, infusing real-life figures and events with elements of Asatru, an ancient Germanic religion, to create a world where it’s easy to believe folks genuinely believe the Norse Gods and monsters walk among men.

Also, two words: Lagertha Lothbrok.

The Last Kingdom, also on Netflix, shows that first-wave of Viking exploratio­n and colonisati­on from the British perspectiv­e.

The 13th Warrior (iTunes), a historical­ly detailed re-telling of the classic Old English epic poem Beowulf, stars Antonio Banderas as a Moorish traveller who gets caught up in Beowulf’s defence of King Hrothgar’s mead hall from the ‘‘monster’’

Grendel. A solid watch.

But my top, guilty-pleasure, historical, swords and sandals, Thrones-fix watch is The Eagle (iTunes, Google Play).

It inexplicab­ly stars

Channing Tatum as a Roman Centurion, but don’t let that put you off. He plays loveable lug Marcus, who must trust his British slave Esca (Jamie Bell, at his poker-faced best) to help him restore his father’s good name and golden eagle standard, long ago stolen by the brutal Seal People.

Bell, bless him, truly saves this film from being an awkward, miscast, Hollywood cringe-fest.

The Eagle is worth watching for so many reasons, not the least of which is to hear the beautiful Scots Gaelic that stands in for Pictish. Nach caill e! Game of Thrones airs Mondays at 1pm and again at 8.30pm on Sky SoHo. It is also available on demand on Neon.

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 ??  ?? Tom Cullen in the SoHo drama Knightfall.
Tom Cullen in the SoHo drama Knightfall.

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