Sunday Star-Times

Price too high

- Patrick Dillon, Robert Glennie, John Leith,

MR KEY, you have no mandate to send troops without the full parliament voting. The vote in our democratic House of Parliament would say no, according to even your supporters.

John Key said he wouldn’t send troops, yet I understand troops have been training for at least a year for this project.

I’m sure at some stage you will see some guts. That is some New Zealanders’ guts spread around (probably here in New Zealand) as the result of your action. How much guts (from about 12,000km away from you) does it take?

I favour my own Irish ancestors’ way, which was that the leader would actually be out front leading the charge. I believe it’s the Maori way, too.

Mr Key, have you the guts to personally defend our ‘‘instructor­s’’ in Iraq? If you go, I will go, too.

All this horror was incubated by the desire of mass murderers Bush and Blair to destroy people who didn’t agree with them. And now Mr Key’s desire to be part of the ‘‘club’’ is leading New Zealand into an unwinnable war. SO, THE drums of war are beating because the prime minister wants be ‘‘part of the club’’ that supposedly stands up for freedom. And yet, this prime minister did not give New Zealanders the freedom of deciding whether or not to support it, not even the New Zealand Parliament.

And the prime minister says that we should stand alongside our allies. Except one of those supposed allies blew up a ship in Auckland Harbour on July 10, 1985, and the others turned a blind eye, or in the case of the United States, put relations on ice. And these are Cold War allies, not 21st century allies. Times have moved on.

If we really want to help, we should use our Security Council seat to get the United Nations to stop anyone from funding, arming or otherwise assisting Islamic State (and Boko Haram). girls packed off home to bed.

Then there’s the school issuing condoms to underage girls and talk of sex education at primary schools. I guess the next step will be provision of a special-activities room where kids can learn the ropes under supervisio­n during school hours.

 ??  ?? Smoke-free: Is it just a pipe dream?
Smoke-free: Is it just a pipe dream?

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